
I'm going to write some things that i think here

2025/03/02 (~1 AM)

tonight i took some mushrooms and hung outside with my best friend looking at the night sky. there was some kind of astrological event yesterday so a lot of stars were visible. The lines interconnecting them were moving a little and the whole thing reminded me of a spiderweb. All of the stars were little bugs and there was an orange star (or planet. Mars?) that was the spider in the middle. though for most of the time my attention was actually on the trees. We have some tall trees in our yard and under the moonlight I could see the branches splitting into the most beautiful fractals, endlessly. (maybe i will make a page on the site for memorable shroom trips, i have had a few.)

I am thinking about changing my career trajectory. my upcoming birthday marks my transition from "early" to "mid 20s" so i figure it is now or never. though considering the field I work in, it is kind of a crazy time to do that right now. well i'm just going to keep my eyes open. i think if you're always waiting for "the right time" you might miss your chance to do anything.

anyway, after that i came inside the house and decided to start my website over fresh. Happy New Year! (it's March now)
